If you are a victim of a hit and run accident, there are four simple steps that will make you better prepared to handle the situation. The list below includes an in-depth description of what you need to do if you are ever in a hit and run accident.

  1. Contact Emergency Personnel and Report the Accident

The first affair you need to handle is your safety. If anyone was injured during the accident, you should call 911 immediately. It is important that everyone receives medical attention if necessary. This will allow any injuries to be diagnosed accurately and quickly.

To officially document the accident, you should file a police report. This is necessary to proceed with a personal injury case because it will be used as an important piece of evidence. When filing a police report, it is important to accurately explain all the details involving the hit and run accident so the police can have a better chance at identifying the driver of the other vehicle.

  1. Document and Gather All Available Information

It is crucial to write down any recollections you have from the accident. If you took down the license plate, that can be the most important piece of evidence in the case. Make sure to take pictures of the damages to your own vehicle as well as any other evidence on the scene of the accident. Additionally, how the third party’s car looks. such as the make and model of the car as well as bumper stickers or other details, could aid in the investigation.

  1. Witness Information

If there are any witnesses present at the scene of the accident, it is evident that you write down their version of the accident as well as their contact information. Regardless of whether you experienced the hit and run, witnesses are still crucial to back up your claim. If you or the witness wrote down the license plate number, then you should file a police report and submit the plate number to your insurer who can then find the deductible costs.

  1. Contact personal Injury Attorney, M.R. Parker

Michael Parker is an experienced personal injury attorney who has dealt with countless victims of accidents and has acquired compensation for their injuries. He will deal with the legal portions of your case while you attend to your injuries. You will feel safe in his hands as he will be with you every step throughout the case.