About Michael Parker

Michael Parker is the managing partner of M.R. Parker Law, PC located in Woodland HIlls, California. The firm represents clients in personal injury, criminal law, business litigation, tax resolution, and real estate throughout Los Angeles including Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Valley Village, North Hollywood, Calabasas, West Hills, Canoga Park, Encino, Tarzana, Hollywood, West LA as well as Riverside County, San Fernando, Ventura County, and Santa Clarita. Michael has represented hundreds of clients and has secured millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements.

Talking to Insurance Companies


Should I Give A Statement To The Other Driver’s Insurance Company? After an automobile collision, you will be asked by the other party’s insurance company to give a recorded statement to them about how the accident occurred.  The question may seem innocuous and innocent enough, “Can we just ask you a few questions about what [...]

Talking to Insurance Companies2020-04-08T05:50:46+00:00

Texting Isn’t the Only Kind of Distracted Driving


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 80% of car crashes can be attributed to some type of distracted driving. While we hear a lot today about texting - or using a cellphone in any capacity - when driving, smartphones and electronic devices aren't the only distractions drivers fall prey to. Anything that [...]

Texting Isn’t the Only Kind of Distracted Driving2020-01-19T09:19:35+00:00

How Much Do You Get Fined for Texting While Driving or Talking on a Cellphone?


Most of us are guilty of sending or checking the occasional text while driving. However, few of us consider the consequences. Not only are we endangering our own life but the safety and lives of those sharing the road with us. Additionally, even if you're not in an accident, serious fines and punishments are imposed [...]

How Much Do You Get Fined for Texting While Driving or Talking on a Cellphone?2020-01-19T10:08:57+00:00

Is a Drunk Driver Always At-Fault in a Car Accident?


It seems like a no-brainer. If you're hit by a drunk driver, you think they'd be automatically at-fault. If they've gotten a DUI, they were clearly under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the accident. Your car has been totaled. You're hurt. You're missing work. The person who got behind the [...]

Is a Drunk Driver Always At-Fault in a Car Accident?2020-01-19T10:07:43+00:00

Does High-Speed Driving Increase the Risk of a Collision?


People are always on the go these days. Most of us have hectic schedules. Schedules that require us to get from point A to point B without a minute to spare. We're running late for work or an appointment. There's a child waiting to be picked up at school. Even the most law-abiding upstanding citizen [...]

Does High-Speed Driving Increase the Risk of a Collision?2020-01-18T11:30:14+00:00

What Happens to Your Body in a High-Speed Collision?


An automobile accident can happen at any speed. And people can be hurt in a low-speed or high-speed collision. But the potential for serious injury or even death is higher in a high-speed accident than a collision at 35 mph or less. A human body sustains substantial trauma in a high-speed crash. Trauma that can [...]

What Happens to Your Body in a High-Speed Collision?2020-01-12T21:04:30+00:00

Should I Tell My Insurance Company I’m Driving for Uber or Lyft?


An Uber driver is basically running their own business. At the moment, Uber and Lyft still classify their drivers as independent contractors. That could change with legislation in California and many other states that want rideshare companies to treat drivers as employees. For now, it's the Uber driver's responsibility to protect themselves, their passengers, and [...]

Should I Tell My Insurance Company I’m Driving for Uber or Lyft?2019-11-19T22:19:26+00:00

What To Do If You’re a Passenger in an Uber Accident


Nobody thinks about it until it happens. What happens if your Uber driver wrecks with you in the car and you're injured? What do you do? Your car wasn't involved. So you wouldn't be calling your auto insurance provider. Well, aside from that, you pretty much follow the same process you would for any other [...]

What To Do If You’re a Passenger in an Uber Accident2020-01-19T09:58:32+00:00

Distracted Driving a Bigger Concern for Motorists Today Than Drunk Driving


For decades, drunk drivers have been what many of us fear the most on our roads. The dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is well-publicized. But according to a 2018 Cambridge Mobile Telematics survey, distracted driving is a bigger concern to motorists today than drunk driving. Especially in this era of [...]

Distracted Driving a Bigger Concern for Motorists Today Than Drunk Driving2020-01-19T10:02:50+00:00

Lyft & Uber Not Classifying Drivers as Employees Despite California Law


Last week, California made history with the passage of a monumental bill that could very well transform the "gig economy" as we've known it. The California law, called Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), would make California the first state to mandate that app-based companies like Uber and Lyft treat their workers as employees rather than classify [...]

Lyft & Uber Not Classifying Drivers as Employees Despite California Law2020-01-19T09:14:49+00:00
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